RealXperts: Achieving Success & Inner Peace Using The 200% Life Model
Kaplan Real Estate Education
In a culture obsessed with external achievements, we often overlook the immense power of our inner world. Too many ignore it or consider it insignificant, but in reality, it is the key to your fulfillment in life and success in the business world. Adam Hergenrother will show you how to develop 100% of your internal world and play 100% in the business world, to uncover the joys of The 200% Life—an exciting new world of ever-new joy, massive achievement, and absolute freedom.
FREE eBook: Launching Your Real Estate Career
Wouldn’t it be great if you could sit down with a room full of successful real estate professionals and ask them for career advice?
We asked several accomplished real estate professionals what they wish they knew before they earned their license and started their career, and what they thought all aspiring real estate professionals should know. We put all of their advice into a value-packed eBook.
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