Missouri State Requirements

Missouri Real Estate Commission

3605 Missouri Blvd. P.O. Box 1339
Jefferson City, MO 65102-1339
Phone: 573.751.2628
Fax: 573.751.2777
Email: realestate@pr.mo.gov
Website: https://pr.mo.gov/realestate.asp

Salesperson Pre-licensing Requirements

  • Provide proof of age and be 18 years old
  • Proof of lawful presence
  • Provide a certificate of completion from a 48-hour Pre-Exam - The 48-hour course MUST be completed prior to completing the 24-Hour Missouri Real Estate Practice Course (MREP), both completed prior to submitting the application for licensure.  MREP course can be taken before or after exam
  • Provide evidence of fingerprinting and background check through IDEMIA IDENTOGO)
    • Registering with Missouri Automated Criminal History Site (MACHS) at www.machs.mo.gov.
    • Registering by phone at 844-543-9712 and provide MREC’s four-digit registration number, 0004, in order to register for fingerprinting.
  • Complete application for a license within six months from the date of completion of the 48-hour, pre-exam course
  • Pass both national and state portions of the Missouri Salesperson Examination
  • Provide a certificate of completion for the 24-hour Missouri Real Estate Practice course prior to submitting for licensure

Broker Pre-licensing Requirements

  • Must be 18 years of age
  • Proof of lawful presence
  • Evident of being fingerprinted through the approved statewide vendor
  • Provide evidence of active Salesperson license in Missouri, or another state for no less than 24-months of the last 30 months immediately preceding the application for license.
  • Provide certificate of completion of an approved 48-hour course known as the “Broker Pre-Examination Course” no more than six months prior to the application for licensure.
  • Pass both National and State portions of the required examination

Salesperson Continuing Education Requirements

  • Complete 12 hours of real estate continuing education every two years
  • Out of the 12 hours, 3 of those hours must be taken in a course identified by the Missouri Real Estate Commission as core credit
  • Salesperson licensees expire September 30 of even years
  • 2024-2026 Renewal Information

Broker Continuing Education Requirements

  • Complete 12 hours of real estate continuing education every two years
  • Out of the 12 hours, 3 of those hours must be taken in a course identified by the Missouri Real Estate Commission as core credit
  • Broker licensees expire June 30 of even years
  • 2024-2026 Renewal Information

Exam Provider and Fingerprinting Information

  • Fingerprinting Vendor: IDEMIA (Identogo)
  • Register with the Missouri Automated Criminal History Site (MACHS) at https://www.machs.mo.gov
  • Contact them via telephone at 844.543.9712 to have a Service Representative assist. Please provide the MREC’s four-digit registration code of 0004 to register for fingerprints
    • Upon registration, applicants will be provided a list of fingerprinting locations available throughout the state, including hours of operation
    • Bring a photo ID (Driver’s license, military ID, or Passport are acceptable identifications)
    • Pay the required fee of $41.75 (IDEMIA receives $8.50, Missouri Highway State Patrol receives $20.00, and the FBI receives $13.50. MREC does not receive any funds for this) with a credit/debit card, money order, or cash (must be exact change)
    • Beginning April 24, 2023 all Missouri Real Estate test takers must schedule at https://test-takers.psiexams.com/MORE
  • Please read Candidate Handbook
  • PSI website: https://www.psiexams.com/test-takers/
  • Contact via phone: 866-589-3088
  • MREC Rules and Statutes Reference Book