Oregon Real Estate Exam Prep Courses

Increase Your Exam Confidence with Kaplan

With 65+ years of experience helping real estate professionals, Kaplan Real Estate Education is your trusted source for exam prep to help you pass the Oregon Real Estate Broker License exam. Our courses will provide you with the knowledge and practice you need to be confident on exam day. Our program lets you study where and when it suits you best.  

All students have 6 months from their date of purchase to complete their course.

Oregon Steps to Real Estate Licensing

Learn what it takes to get your license in Oregon. 

View Steps to Licensing


Looking for Oregon's Broker and Principal Broker Licensing and Continuing Education Requirements?

Read the OR state requirements.

State Requirements


Explore Broker Courses

Oregon Real Estate Broker Drill and Practice QBank
Oregon Broker Salesperson Exam Prep with Your Live Online Learning Hub
Oregon Real Estate Broker Exam Prep

Oregon Real Estate Professional Development

Further Your Investment with Professional Development Classes 
Oregon real estate salespeople and brokers who want to gain expertise and differentiate themselves from the competition can do so with Kaplan’s professional development courses. Learn from experts how to excel in your field and grow your business. 

Career Resources