Colorado State Requirements
Colorado Real Estate Commission
1560 Broadway St.
925 Denver, CO 80202
Phone: 303.894.2166 or 800.886.7675
Fax: 303.894.2683
Colorado Associate Broker Licensing Education Requirements
- Be at least 18 years old
- Complete 168 credit hours of education (required courses below)
- Colorado Contract and Regulations—48 hours
- Colorado Current legal Issues—8 hours
- Colorado Law & Practice—48 hours
- Colorado Practical Applications—32 hours
- Colorado Real Estate Closings—24 hours
- Colorado Trust Account and Record Keeping—8 hours
- Colorado Contract and Regulations—48 hours
- Pass both the national and state portions of the PSI Colorado Broker Licensing Exam
- Kaplan is regulated by the Colorado Division of Private Occupational Schools. The DPOS requires Kaplan to capture specific student information and provide it to the agency on an annual basis. As part of your enrollment in a Colorado prelicensing course, you will be asked to provide your gender and race/ethnicity
- Within one year of passing the Colorado Broker Licensing Exam, submit a broker’s license application and all supporting documentation, including a fingerprint form. An employing broker must sign the application. Proof of errors and omissions insurance must be provided and fees paid in full
Fingerprinting and Real Estate Exam Provider Information
- The Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI) must receive your fingerprints and run a routine background check before the state grants the license to sell real estate. For information on fingerprinting and scheduling an appointment please visit the state website.
- To schedule the associate broker licensing exam, see the Real Estate Candidate Information Bulletin, access exam registration information, or for any exam questions, please visit
- Exam testing locations are as follows:
- Centennial
- Colorado Springs
- Durango
- Fort Collins
- Grand Junction
- Pueblo
- Wheat Ridge
- Centennial
- Exam testing locations are as follows:
- Two forms of identification are required to sit for the licensing exam
- One must be a valid form of government-issued identification
- Driver’s license
- State ID
- Passport
- The second must have your signature and preprinted legal name
- Driver’s license
- One must be a valid form of government-issued identification
- Exam time frames:
- National:
- 80 questions
- Passing score is 60 correct questions
- Time allowed: 120 minutes (2 hours)
- 80 questions
- State:
- 74 questions
- Passing score is 53 correct questions
- Time allowed: 110 minutes (1 hour and 50 minutes)
- 74 questions
- National:
- Helpful tips for exam day:
- Arrive at least 30 minutes before your appointment
- All candidates MUST bring a copy of all six course’s completion certificates (also known as the REC-33)
- The following items will NOT be permitted in the exam room:
- Cell phones
- Purses
- Wallets
- Backpacks
- Briefcases
- Suitcases
- Food
- Drink
- Study materials
- Tablets
- Portable computers
- Radios
- Calculators
- Cameras
- Recording devices
- Electronic and smartwatches
- Lapel pins
- Tiebacks
- Bulky or loose clothing or coats
- Hats or headgear not worn for religious reasons
- Cell phones
- Arrive at least 30 minutes before your appointment
- Scores of the exam will be presented immediately following completion of the exam. Exam results will be reported to students and DORA
Colorado Employing Broker Licensing Education Requirements
- Be at least 18 years old
- Complete 24 credit hours of the Brokerage Administration 1 course
- Must have two years of active experience as an associate broker
- Kaplan is regulated by the Colorado Division of Private Occupational Schools. The DPOS requires Kaplan to capture specific student information and provide it to the agency on an annual basis. As part of your enrollment in a Colorado prelicensing course, you will be asked to provide your gender and race/ethnicity
- Must have passed the state portion of the exam when obtaining an associate broker license
- After completion of education, apply for a change of level of licensure with the state
- Real Estate Broker Authority (REC-LA-O7-04)
- Upgrading license will not change the expiration date
- Real Estate Broker Authority (REC-LA-O7-04)
Associate and Employing Broker Continuing Education Requirements
- All active real estate brokers need to complete 24 credit hours of education during a three-year license period.
- Newly licensed broker: An initial broker's license expires at midnight on December 31st of the year in which it was issued. During that initial licensure period, the newly licensed broker will not have any obligation to complete any continuing education. After that initial license period, the active licensee will then be on a three-year license cycle and be obligated to complete 24 hours of continuing education within that licensing cycle.
- 12 hours must include three different versions of the four-hour Annual Commission Update course
- 12 hours may be electives or other topic areas
- If any Annual Commission Update course is missed during a license period, students may complete one of the following options:
- Take and pass the state portion of the licensing exam
- Take the 24 credit hour Broker Reactivation course
- Complete 48 hours of the Colorado Contracts and Regulations course and the 24 credit-hour Broker Administration course to total 72 hours
- Take and pass the state portion of the licensing exam
- If a licensee has been inactive for longer than three years, the licensee MUST contact the state to be advised of the process to reinstate the license
Exam Provider Information
A. Contact PSI for scheduling exams
a. For assistance go to or call PSI at 855-744-0313
b. Call center hours:
i. Monday- Friday 5:30am-8:00pm Mountain Time
ii. Saturday-Sunday 7:30am-3:00pm Mountain Time
All program policies are subject to the rules and/or requirements established by individual states. For more information about refund policies in specific states, please see the state policies listed below.
Colorado Division of Private Occupational Schools
Refunds will be provided within 30 days of termination date provided the following conditions are satisfied. Termination date is the date the school receives written or verbal notice of a student’s intention to terminate or cancel his/her enrollment, or the date on which the student violates the published attendance policy.
For all courses and programs, Kaplan will pay a full refund of all tuition and fees paid by a prospective student if: (1) a prospective student is not accepted by Kaplan; (2) for classroom courses and programs, within three days after initial payment a student notifies Kaplan of his or her intention to terminate the enrollment, provided that training has not started; (3) for correspondence courses and programs, within three days after initial payment a student notifies Kaplan of his or her intention to terminate the enrollment; or (4) Kaplan discontinues a course during the period of time within which a student could reasonably have completed the course as defined in the Standard of Progress above. Refunds called for by provision (4) shall not apply in the event that the school ceases operation.
For classroom courses and programs, Kaplan will pay a full refund of tuition and fees paid less a cancellation charge (not to exceed $150) of 20% of the tuition for the course(s) the student is terminating when terminated more than 3 days after the date of enrollment but before training has started. "Training" for correspondence courses and programs commences on the date of enrollment, so refund requests made more than 3 days after date of enrollment for correspondence courses are subject to the policy below.
For refund requests and terminations made more than 3 days after initial enrollment or after training has commenced, Kaplan will retain a cancellation charge of 20% of the tuition (but not to exceed $150.00) for all courses and then pay a refund based on the following policies. Note that this cancellation charge does not apply to the full refund conditions described above, or to refunds under the Veterans Refund Policy set forth separately below. The refund percentages described here shall be applied to full tuition and fees actually paid by the student after deducting the cancellation charge, and not to books. If a student discontinues training or is terminated by Kaplan, the following refund will be made to the student within 30 days of official determination of the termination date (the date on which Kaplan receives written or verbal notice of a student’s intention to discontinue training, or the date on which the student violates the published attendance policy). Refunds will be calculated as follows:
When a student terminates their training: | Refund the student is entitled to: |
Within first 10% of program | 90% refund less cancellation charge |
After 10% but within 25% of program | 75% refund less cancellation charge |
After 25% but within 50% of program | 50% refund less cancellation charge |
After 50% but within 75% of program | 25% refund less cancellation charge |
After 75% completed (no cancellation charge is applicable if paid in full) | No refund |
Completion percentages will be determined by the number of classroom sessions attended, the number of correspondence lesson quizzes returned (if applicable), or the number of correspondence lessons that should have been completed beginning on the date of initial payment, according to the "lessons per week" standard shown for the satisfactory standards progress described above.
For continuing education courses, after three days from enrollment students will not receive a refund but students will be given credit toward another course of the student’s choosing. Credit can be used for up to one year from the date of enrollment. Books and materials provided for all courses and programs must be returned to Kaplan before any refund can be issued and are not separately refundable. However, if a student cancels and fails to return the course materials, the cost of these materials will be deducted from the total refund given to the student. The charge for books and materials will be based on the tuition fee charged for the equivalent self-study (correspondence) material. No refund is made for shipping or tax charges. Any materials which cannot be re-used will not be refunded. Retail books purchased from our bookstore that have not been opened or used may be returned for a full refund for up to 30 days from the date of purchase.
Postponement of a starting date, whether at the request of the school or the student, requires a written agreement signed by the student and the school. The agreement must set forth: (a) Whether the postponement is for the convenience of the school or the student, and (b) A deadline for the new start date, beyond which the start date will not be postponed. If the course is not commenced, or the student fails to attend by the new start date set forth in the agreement, the student will be entitled to an appropriate refund of prepaid tuition and fees within 30 days of the deadline of the new start date set forth in the agreement, determined in accordance with the school’s refund policy and all applicable laws and rules concerning the Private Occupational Education Act of 1981. Kaplan policies for granting credit for previous training, if applicable, shall not affect this refund policy. Any student who has a comment or complaint regarding Kaplan is invited to write or call the school director personally at our Denver location. Kaplan is Approved and Regulated by the Colorado Department of Higher Education, Private Occupational School Board (DPOS). Complaints or claims pursuant to Section 12-59-118, C.R.S. or Section 12-59-115(6)(a), C.R.S., may be filed in writing or online with DPOS within two years after the student discontinues training with Kaplan or at any time prior to the commencement of training. Other complaints may be filed in writing or online with DPOS within two years of the date the alleged injury and its cause were known or should have been known. All complaints must be in writing or filed online. No action regarding third party complaints is required, except as required by Section 12-59-115(6) (a), C.R.S. The Division of Private Occupational Schools is located at 1560 Broadway, Suite 1600, Denver, CO 80202. Their phone number is 303-866-2723 and their website is Each of the policies and programs above are described in our College Bulletin, which is provided to students upon enrollment.
Kaplan, Inc. is the largest subsidiary of Graham Holdings Company, a diversified education and media company whose principal operations include educational services, television broadcasting, cable television systems, and online, print, and local TV news (NYSE: GHC).