Michigan State Requirements

Michigan Real Estate Commission

Ottawa Building
611 W. Ottawa
P.O. Box 30004
Lansing, MI 48909
Phone: 517.335.9700

Salesperson Prelicensing Education Requirements

  • Be 18 years old
  • Pass a background check and be of good moral character
  • Complete 40 hours of education to include:
    • 4 hours of Civil Rights Law and Equal Opportunity in housing
  • Submit application at https://www.michigan.gov/miplus and pay applicable fee
  • Pass required state and national exam within one year of the application after receiving authorization to test from LARA
    • Effective August 25th, 2020 Real Estate Salesperson exam candidates will no longer receive a Michigan Real Estate Exam Candidate (MIRE) email from the Bureau of Professional Licensing. Instead, they will receive an email directly from our testing provider, PSI Online, that contains their Exam Candidate ID number. Exam candidates should check their SPAM or Junk Mail folders in the event the email is not received in their Inbox within 24-48 hours after approval is granted.
    • Additionally, PSI has established a dedicated telephone number for Michigan exam candidates at (855) 579-4635.
  • In order to practice as a Salesperson, you must be sponsored by a licensed Michigan Employing Broker. 
  • See additional information here.

Real Estate Broker Prelicensing Education Requirements

  • Be 18 years old
  • Have at least three years of acceptable real estate-related experience in the business of real estate or in a field that is determined by the department to be relevant and related to the business of real estate such as:
    • A real estate salesperson or broker
    • A licensed builder
    • An investor
    • A land or condominium developer
    • A loan or trust officer of a federal- or state-regulated depository institution
    • A loan or trust officer of a mortgage company
    • A real estate office of a corporation
    • A title insurance company officer engaging in the closing of escrow accounts and real estate closings
    • A staff or real estate property appraiser
  • Complete 90 hours of education to include:
    • 9 hours of Civil Rights Law and Equal Opportunity in housing
  • Pass the state and national exam once received authorization to test from LARA
  • See additional information here.

Salesperson and Broker Continuing Education Requirements

  • As of June 18, 2018, an update to the rule went into place. The rules specify that the legal education required must be obtained in each year of the licensing cycle. A rule is added to advise a licensee that he/she may petition for a waiver of the CE requirements. The rules also establish that to be eligible to satisfy the CE requirements, the program must be reviewed and certified by CE Marketplace, a division of Michigan Realtors
  • As of February 13, 2024, licensees will be required to complete 2 hours of eligible legal continuing education and 1 hour of fair housing credit in each year they are licensed, based on their individual license expiration dates. The additional 9 elective credit hours to reach a total of at least 18 credit hours for license renewal can be credits of any type and taken at any time during the three-year licensing period.
  • Licensees must obtain 18 hours of education within the licensing cycle, to include:
    • 2 hours each year which must involve law, rules, and court cases regarding real estate and
    • 1 hour each year of courses that involve compliance with local, state, or federal fair housing laws.
    • Licensees may select any CE courses in prospective areas of expertise to complete the remaining hours of eligible education. 
  • Students cannot take all 6-hours of Legal CE and 3 Hours of Fair Housing in the same year of their licensing cycle. Students also cannot repeat the same class in the same 3-year cycle.
  • See additional information here.

Exam Provider Information in Michigan

  • Exam scheduling, cost, and eligibility requirements may be found here.
  • Read the Candidate Information Bulletin to be fully prepared for exam day
  • Phone: 855-579-4635
  • Email: examschedule@psionline.com