Massachusetts Real Estate Exam Prep & Practice Test

Exam-Focused Prep Designed Around You

With more than 65 years of experience helping real estate professionals begin successful careers, Kaplan is your best choice to pass the Massachusetts real estate exam. Our exam-focused prep courses arm you with the knowledge and practice you need to answer the 120-question Massachusetts licensing exam efficiently and effectively. Enroll in an exam prep course today and gain the confidence you need to start your new real estate career.

All students will have 6 months to complete their course from the date of purchase.

Looking to Get Licensed? 

Get started with our steps to Massachusetts real estate licensing.

View Steps to Licensing

Review the Massachusetts State Requirements
View the real estate licensing and continuing education requirements from the Massachusetts Board of Registration of Real Estate Brokers and Salespersons.

Read MA Requirements

Explore Salesperson Courses

Massachusetts Salesperson Exam Prep with Your Live Online Learning Hub
Massachusetts Salesperson Exam Prep Package
Massachusetts Real Estate Salesperson Drill and Practice QBank Package

Massachusetts Real Estate Salesperson Licensing

Your Massachusetts real estate journey begins with earning your salesperson license. Kaplan’s proven online courses let you complete your required licensing education on your schedule. And our content experts and instructors are committed to helping you earn your real estate license in the most efficient manner possible—so you can start your new career as soon as possible. 

Professional Development in Massachusetts

Stay at the forefront of the Massachusetts real estate industry. You can gain expertise and differentiate yourself from the competition with Kaplan’s Professional Development courses. Our courses are taught by industry veterans who understand what it takes to help you set yourself apart, increase your client base, and build a long-lasting real estate career.

Fast Facts About the Massachusetts Real Estate Licensing Exam


Number of Questions on the Exam

240 Minutes

Exam Time Limit


Passing Score for the Salesperson Exam

PSI Services

Exam Provider

Frequently Asked Questions
The Massachusetts real estate exam can be taken online with a proctor or at one of PSI’s exam center locations in Massachusetts.

For a Massachusetts salesperson, the examination fee is $85. The exam fee for brokers is $106. If you need to retake the exam, the fee is $54.

In order to pass the Massachusetts real estate exam, you must score at least 70%. If you pass one section but fail the other section, you only need to retake the failed portion of the exam.
There are a total of 120 questions on the Massachusetts real estate exam, of which 80 questions are general and 40 are state-specific.

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