RealXperts: Doing Real Estate Business in Unusual Times

Kaplan Real Estate Education

What are the most important actions you can take to succeed in this new normal? Kayla Gustafson, managing broker of High Pointe Realty, Inc., shares her insights regarding when it’s time to pivot and when it’s time to double-down. Watch this webinar to learn about behaviors that encourage an environment in which you can assess and redirect your efforts to thrive instead of survive as you reposition your team, your brokerage, and yourself.

    FREE eBook: Launching Your Real Estate Career

    Wouldn’t it be great if you could sit down with a room full of successful real estate professionals and ask them for career advice?

    We asked several accomplished real estate professionals what they wish they knew before they earned their license and started their career, and what they thought all aspiring real estate professionals should know. We put all of their advice into a value-packed eBook.


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