Does It Really Matter What Kind Of Car I Drive?

Kaplan Real Estate Education

As if there wasn't enough to occupy the mind of a real estate professional, there are some who believe that the type of car you drive subconsciously sends a message to your clients. It's true that people form opinions based on perceptions and first impressions. Find out what Toby has to say about this topic, and get advice for using your vehicle to make a great first impression.



  • Your vehicle does really make an impression on your clients.
  • The kind of car you drive doesn't matter near as much as the condition of the car.
  • Make sure your car is clean inside and out, address mechanical issues, and keep up with maintenance.
  • Buy within your means. Don't bury yourself in debt in an effort to impress clients.


It's an age-old question among real estate professionals. "What does my car say about me to clients?" Some would tell you that clients see a nice car as a sign of success and infer that you are great at your job. Others would tell you that a nice car suggests to clients that you care more about getting your next commission check than really getting them the best deal on a transaction.

The truth is your vehicle does make an impression on clients. But the kind of car you drive is less important as to the condition of the car. Make sure your car is clean, inside and out. Address any mechanical issues that arise and keep up with maintenance.

As with anything, you should buy within your means. There's nothing wrong with driving a very expensive luxury car as long as you can afford it. The same thing is true, there's nothing wrong with driving a more affordable and sensible car that's years older, that fits within your budget and doesn't put you under a mountain of debt.

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