College Doesn't Interest Me. Is Real Estate A Good Career Option?

Kaplan Real Estate Education

Many high school students find themselves approaching graduation uncertain about what direction to take their future. For some, the idea of incurring massive amounts of debt and spending another 4 years in a classroom isn't appealing. In this installment of Toby Talks, Brightwood's Toby Schifsky explains the characteristics of a real estate career that make the profession attractive to recent high school graduates looking for an alternative route to a professional career.



  • Young adults with motivation and a drive to succeed can be successful in real estate. 
  • Real estate offers the opportunity to work in a professional career without the time and financial burden of college.
  • In most states, as long as you've completed high school, the only additional education you need to complete is a state-approved prelicensing course.
  • The #1 thing that separates successful real estate agents from unsuccessful ones is the willingness to work for it.


Yes. For individuals with motivation and a drive to succeed, real estate can present an excellent opportunity for a successful professional career without the time and financial burden of college. In most states, as long as you've earned your high school diploma the only additional training you need is a state-approved pre-licensing course.

You can often be up and running in just months at a mere fraction of the cost of college tuition. The number one thing that separates successful real estate professionals from unsuccessful ones is the willingness to work for it. If you're committed to your career, you will reap the rewards.

FREE eBook: Launching Your Real Estate Career

Wouldn’t it be great if you could sit down with a room full of successful real estate professionals and ask them for career advice?

We asked several accomplished real estate professionals what they wish they knew before they earned their license and started their career, and what they thought all aspiring real estate professionals should know. We put all of their advice into a value-packed eBook.


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