I Passed My Real Estate Exam. Now What?
Kaplan Real Estate Education
Once you've completed your required education, passed your state's real estate licensing exam, and chosen a broker to hang your license with, you're ready to begin your career! But there may be additional steps you need to take. Does your state require any additional education for newly licensed agents? Does your broker offer any training for new agents? How will you build your leads list and get your first listing?
- Complete any required postlicensing or first renewal education right away.
- Complete any training you broker offers for new agents.
- Start spreading the word of your licensure among family and friends.
Video Transcripts:
If your state requires post-licensing or first renewal courses, it's wise to start these sooner than later. They're generally designed to encompass everything a first-year agent is supposed to know in real estate, so don't put off the education. In fact, you'll find that you can further your career faster doing education than just about anything else.
Complete any and all new agent training your broker offers. The good news is you're probably not the first person going through the training program, and some brokerages offer extensive new agent training programs. Take advantage. Go through it all. It will get you up to speed faster and quicker than just about anything else. Begin spreading the word within your sphere of influence. People like to work with people they know, and the first listing is always the toughest one to get. Get the word out to people you know. You are now their go-to when buying or selling a home.
FREE eBook: Launching Your Real Estate Career
Wouldn’t it be great if you could sit down with a room full of successful real estate professionals and ask them for career advice?
We asked several accomplished real estate professionals what they wish they knew before they earned their license and started their career, and what they thought all aspiring real estate professionals should know. We put all of their advice into a value-packed eBook.
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