What Skills Does A Contractor Need To Become A Successful Home Inspector?
Kaplan Real Estate Education
If you've considered leveraging your skills as a contractor into a career in home inspection, you've likely wondered what additional skills you need to develop to make that transition. In this edition of Toby Talks, Toby Schifsky details the skills needed to make a successful move from building to inspecting.
Contractors already have manty of the skills needed to be a successful home inspector.
You will likely need training on evaluating and communicating the condition of residential systems.
You will also need some training on how to run a successful home inspection business.
Homeowners are your clients, but most of your work will come from real estate agent referrals. You need to develop rapport with agents.
FREE eBook: Launching Your Home Inspection Career
We compiled the knowledge of six successful home inspection professionals into one valuable eBook to give you the insider's knowledge you need to know before starting your career. We asked these pros what advice they'd give to prospective home inspectors, and where they often see new inspectors fail. This free eBook contains all of their advice in one essential resource for anyone preparing to make a career shift to home inspection.
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