Texas Real Estate Brokerage: A Management Guide (30-Credit Hours) (#752)
A Comprehensive Guide to Effective Leadership of Your Texas Brokerage
This course offers an application-oriented approach to becoming more effective managers, leaders, and communicators. Based on the Texas Real Estate Commission’s required curriculum outline, this course teaches you what to consider when opening a brokerage, as well as tips and tactics for growing your business and measuring success. The guide also highlights new trends in professional development, including formal mentoring and cross-training programs, and developments in civil procedures, including RESPA, antitrust, and employment law issues.
Proctored Final Exam: The Texas Real Estate Commission requires a proctored final exam for your licensing course. You will need to arrange for a proctor, who is someone who will make sure you take the test without outside assistance. Your exam must be proctored by a disinterested third party (at least 18 years of age) with no financial or emotional interest in your passing the exam. Your supervisor, a subordinate, or a family member may not serve as your exam proctor. If you are unable to secure a disinterested third party to proctor your final exam, Kaplan offers Virtual Classroom Proctoring for a $29 per-session fee.
Key Points:
- Fulfills all qualifying course requirements for Texas Real Estate Brokerage
- Contains sample worksheets, checklists, and diagrams that can be useful to a new brokerage
- Each unit concludes with a unit exam with an answer key that contains answers for all questions.