Pennsylvania Real Estate Continuing Education Courses
The Pennsylvania Real Estate Commission requires 14 hours of continuing education for salespersons’ first, second, and subsequent renewals, as well as for brokers’ renewals. When it’s time to renew your salesperson or broker real estate license, Kaplan Real Estate Education is the best real estate school to choose. Our commitment to your student experience means that you can expect personalized continuing education class options and staff to help you map your education and navigate your courses. Our industry-standard, online courses will help you stay on top of the latest trends and be on track for success in your real estate career.
All students have six months from their date of purchase to complete their course.
Need to Understand Continuing Ed Requirements in PA?
See Pennsylvania state CE requirements for salespersons and brokers
Salesperson Continuing Education
Cross continuing education off your to-do list with Kaplan’s help.
Satisfy Pennsylvania’s continuing education requirements with our easy, convenient Online Video courses. Our classes—approved by the Pennsylvania Real Estate Commission—are designed to keep salespersons informed on the latest industry news.
Broker Continuing Education
Keep your broker license active.
Take Kaplan’s Online Video courses to stay on current and meet state continuing education requirements. We are committed to making the experience technically and educationally excellent so you can complete your hours, receive credit, and stay focused on your business as a Pennsylvania real estate broker.
Pennsylvania Real Estate Professional Development
Invest in Yourself with Professional Development Courses
For salespeople and brokers who want to excel and advance their career, professional development courses can be a great investment. Kaplan’s Professional Development courses offer training in key topics from industry experts who want to help you stand out from the competition and grow your business.