Risk Management (6-Credit Hours)
The more business you do, the greater the chance of making an error. Stay sharp and avoid legal problems!
This course provides the essentials on risk management that every sales professional must know to avoid legal problems and provides an action plan for minimizing liability. What's the difference between active fraud and negligence? What's the nitty-gritty on dual agency? What are reasonable accommodations, and who determines when they’re required? Risk Management provides in-depth, detailed answers to these questions and many more, backed up with real-word examples and end-of-unit case studies. Online access to course materials allows you to meet your continuing education requirements when and where you please.
Topics Include:
- Misrepresentation, nondisclosure, and unauthorized practice of law
- Disclosure of environmental hazards
- Agency
- Federal fair housing laws
- The americans with disabilities act
- Antitrust laws
Key Points:
- Online access to course allows you to complete your core CE requirements from your computer rather than in a classroom.
- Learning objectives at the beginning of each unit give you a clear direction on what you'll be learning.
- Key terms and glossary give you a handy reference of important terms to know when you’ve completed your course.
- Weblinks to additional resources listed in each unit gives further information on specific topics.
- Instructional graphics reinforce key concepts.
- Case studies at the end of each unit provide additional learning in "real life” situations.
Salesperson 6.00
PID# 338328