Up on the Roof: Rules and Safety
Kaplan Real Estate Education
Staying off the Roof Keeps Home Inspectors Safe and Out of Trouble
Thinking about a home inspection career? Download the Launching Your Home Inspection Career eBook.
If They Don’t Go Up, How Do They Inspect?
Home inspectors simply need to make sure their report on the roof is accurate and clear, and they’ll have no need to walk a roof—even if they think the homeowner is expecting it.
If you like the idea of searching out problems to make sure home buyers are aware of what they’re purchasing, consider becoming a home inspector. Even if you have a fear of heights, you can do this. Check out our home inspection education offerings here.
FREE eBook: Launching Your Home Inspection Career
We compiled the knowledge of six successful home inspection professionals into one valuable eBook to give you the insider's knowledge you need to know before starting your career. We asked these pros what advice they'd give to prospective home inspectors, and where they often see new inspectors fail. This free eBook contains all of their advice in one essential resource for anyone preparing to make a career shift to home inspection.
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