Current Issues in Washington Residential Real Estate (3-Credit Hours)

Satisfy Washington’s Core Course Continuing Education Requirement

This course satisfies Washington’s 3-hour core course continuing education requirement. Developed to keep you current with the latest developments in Washington real estate law, this course explains important changes to common forms made in 2023. Stay up-to-date with the state’s most-current curriculum of engaging topics. You’ll also learn about recent legislative changes, changes to the National Association of REALTORS® Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice, agency relationships, and more.

Key Points:

  • This course satisfies the 3-hour core course requirement as part of the mandatory 30 credit hours of CE.
  • Stay up-to-date on the most current legislative and form changes.
  • Understand the content with engaging case studies, practice activities, and quick quizzes.

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Managing Broker 3.00
Managing Broker
PID# 726312