Virginia Post-Licensing: Risk Management (3-Credit Hours)
A successful broker knows how to manage risk…learn how in this course!
The topics presented in this course are designed to identify the areas of greatest risk for Virginia real estate professionals and provide tips and techniques for managing risk. You will learn strategies to maximize risk reduction in general issues of legal liability, specifically in the areas of misrepresentation, negligence, and fraud. You will also get a refresher on brokerage relationships, Virginia regulations, and issues related to federal law, such as fair housing, the Americans with Disabilities Act, environmental protection, and antitrust laws.
Key Benefits:
- This course fulfills your three hours of risk management training requirement as part of the mandatory 30 hours of Virginia post-licensing education
- Learn strategies to maximize risk reduction in general issues of legal liability
- Receive a refresher on brokerage relationships, Virginia regulations, and federal law
Salesperson 3.00
PID# 545124