Virginia 16-Hour Salesperson CE Package
Meet Your Continuing Education Requirements to Renew Your Virginia Salesperson Real Estate License
Virginia requires real estate salespersons to complete 16 hours of approved continuing education within each two year license period. This package fulfills all of the 16 required hours for salespersons. The 16 hours must consist of 3 hours of Ethics, 2 hours of Fair Housing, 2 hours of Legal Updates, 2 hours of Agency, 2 hours of Contracts, and 5 hours of elective credit.
This package consists of the Virginia 11-Hour Mandatory Topics course and one 5-hour elective online video course: Undesigning Injustice.
This VA CE package includes:
- REQUIRED Virginia 11-Hour Mandatory Topics CE Online Course (11 Credit Hours): Designed to meet Virginia’s 11-hour mandatory continuing education requirements, this online course addresses state-specific material on contracts, Fair Housing, agency, and legal updates and emerging trends, as well as the federal Fair Housing Act and the National Association of REALTORS® Code of Ethics. This VA real estate course covers 3 hours of ethics and standards of conduct; 2 hours of Fair Housing; 2 hours of legal updates and emerging trends, including flood hazard areas and the NFIP; 2 hours of real estate agency; and 2 hours of real estate contracts.
- Undesigning Injustice Online Video Course (5 Credit Hour): In this dynamic real estate course for Virginia salespersons, students will go beyond the surface and examine systemic biases that have historically influenced housing practices. Through engaging lectures, immersive real-life stories, and discussions, students will uncover the roots of housing discrimination and dissect the historical evolution of Fair Housing. Prepare to be enthralled as the lecturer unravels the complexities of redlining, steering, and other discriminatory practices that have affected marginalized communities.
Salesperson 16.00
PID# 782739