Risk Management (4-Credit Hours)
The more business you do, the greater the chance of making an error. Stay sharp and avoid legal problems!
it's hard to sell homes from inside a courtroom. We live in a litigious society, and whenever there is an issue in a real estate transaction, somebody inevitably points a finger at the agent. Today more than ever, you need to know the laws and fastidiously adhere to sound risk management practices.
In this course you will learn the frequent causes of litigation, including misrepresentation claims and unauthorized practice of law. Discover how environmental hazards such as mold and the Lead-Based Paint Reduction Act create unique risk anticipation issues for agents, and how you can successfully navigate them.
Explore the advantages and drawbacks of seller agency, buyer agency, and dual agency for in-house sales. Learn to avoid the conduct prohibited by fair housing laws and receive pointers of how to keep from getting claims of discrimination under ADA. This course provides an action plan for minimizing liability and helps you establish procedures for education, risk shifting, risk anticipation, and risk control.
Key Points:
- Access your online course on your schedule, anytime it is convenient for you
- Learn the frequent causes of litigation
- Develop an action plan for minimizing liability
- Learn to establish procedures for education
- Understand the finer points of risk shifting, risk anticipation, and risk control