SAE 98-Hour Online and Correspondence Package

Complete All 98 Hours of Your SAE Qualifying Education Requirement–—Including the 8-Hour Mandatory Legal Update Courses—with This 98 Hour SAE Texas Real Estate Package

All active and inactive salespersons, who are under the Sales Agent Apprentice Education requirement, must have a total of 270 hours in qualifying real estate education and 4 hours each in Legal Update I and Legal Update II prior to renewing the first 2-year license term. You must also complete the 6-hour Broker Responsibility course to renew if you were made a supervisor by your broker.

In this comprehensive 98 Hour SAE Texas Real Estate package, we combine online courses with textbook PDF correspondence courses that include access to required online components that guide you through your studies with learning activities and quizzes. Reinforce key points and testable concepts with the aid of these online quizzes and practical application scenarios. The correspondence course online components feature textbook PDFs on the dashboard.

This package includes:

  • 2024/2025 Texas Real Estate Commission Legal Update I Correspondence Course (4 Credit Hours)*: Updated to cover the latest topics affecting real estate licensees, this course provides an in-depth review of Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC) rules, updates, and legislative changes. This course will also include a refresher on promulgated contract forms and addenda, an introduction to fair housing, the fair housing do’s and don’ts, and more on property management. This course will refresh students and enlighten them on the topics listed and much more.
  • 2024/2025 Texas Real Estate Commission Legal Update II Correspondence Course (4 Credit Hours)*: This Texas real estate continuing education course has been updated to cover the latest topics affecting real estate licensees. It provides an in-depth review to maintain understanding and foster proper administration of many topic concerns such as agency, Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC) disclosures, how to represent veterans and military servicemembers, enforcement case studies, and much more.
  • Texas Sales and Marketing 101 for Real Estate Professionals Online Course (#551) (30 Credit Hours): There are many marketing and real estate sales courses, but few that explain marketing principles from a real estate agent’s point of view. This course integrates the four elements of a balanced marketing mix—promotion, place, product, and price. Throughout the course, principles of market research, data analysis, and market segmentation are applied to teach you how to be a more efficient salesperson. Updated units on technology, online marketing, and social media strategies make this a comprehensive how-to guide for applying classic marketing and sales techniques to a real estate career.
  • Texas Real Estate Brokerage: A Management Guide Online Course (#751) (30 Credit Hours): This course offers an application-oriented approach to becoming more effective managers, leaders, and communicators. Based on the Texas Real Estate Commission’s required curriculum outline, this course teaches you what to consider when opening a brokerage, as well as tips and tactics for growing your business and measuring success. The guide also highlights new trends in professional development, including formal mentoring and cross-training programs as well as developments in civil procedures, including RESPA, antitrust, and employment law issues.
  • Texas Essentials of Real Estate Investment Online Course (#935) (30 Credit Hours): Based on the content from the Essentials of Real Estate textbook, this Texas real estate course examines the current real estate market and describes the various opportunities for real estate investors. Learn about real estate investment characteristics, techniques of investment analysis, and time-valued money. You will also learn about the different types of ownership, tax information, and financing sources. Use the information from this course as a guide for your future real estate investment decisions.
  • Proctored Final Exam: The Texas Real Estate Commission requires a proctored final exam for your licensing course. You will need to arrange for a proctor, who is someone who will make sure you take the test without outside assistance. Your exam must be proctored by a disinterested third party (at least 18 years of age) with no financial or emotional interest in your passing the exam. Your supervisor, a subordinate, or a family member may not serve as your exam proctor. If you are unable to secure a disinterested third party to proctor your final exam, Kaplan offers Virtual Classroom Proctoring for a $29 per-session fee.

*IMPORTANT: Please be advised of the following prior to purchasing: The Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC) 2024–2025 Legal Update I and II courses must be completed by 11:59 pm Central Time on December 31, 2025, in order to receive credit and fulfill the 8 Hour Legal Update I and II Continuing Education (CE) requirement.


Salesperson 98.00
PID# 778949