Scams, Scoundrels, and Real Estate Stings Correspondence Course (7-Credit Hours) (#49548)

Become an Invaluable Resource to Your Client and the Industry By Learning How to Spot Scammers at the First Sniff of Trouble

Real estate scams have come a long way and are far-reaching. This course will explain how scams hurt your reputation and the liability that comes with being associated with a real estate scam. Learn about schemes, like flopping, and how high- and low-tech scammers prey on the unsuspecting, as well as how one person’s scam is every agent’s burden to bear and how you can sting-proof your reputation while keeping your clients out of harm’s way and protecting their interests.

This real estate course takes you one crime at a time, on the journey of sleuthing the facts, recognizing who is liable, assessing the consequences, and revealing the resources that will help you avoid the dark side of the industry.


Key Points:

  • Complete your continuing education at your own pace and from home.
  • Understand real estate scams and how they affect you, your clients, and the industry.
  • Learn how to protect yourself and your clients.
  • Receive a PDF of the textbook to learn at your convenience.

Broker 7.00
PID# 620745