Tennessee 30-Hour Course for New Affiliates
Tennessee Real Estate Commission Requirement to Apply for an Affiliate Broker License
The Tennessee Real Estate Commission (TREC) requires you to successfully complete this course before applying for an affiliate broker license. This 30-hour online real estate course covers the topics required by the TREC for new affiliates and builds upon the fundamentals that are covered in the 60-Hour Tennessee Real Estate Principles course.
Real Estate Licensing Course(s)
- Tennessee New Affiliates Online Course Package (30-Credit Hours): This real estate course provides you with ongoing knowledge that will assist in your success as a real estate professional. Learn how to generate business while working within agency guidelines, reducing risks, and maintaining ethical business practices. Gain a strong base of knowledge to apply in your real estate career with practice activities, instructional graphics, review quizzes, and unit exams.
Affiliate Broker 30.00
PID# 724342