Oklahoma 21-Hour Salesperson CE Package

This package fulfills the Oklahoma continuing education requirements for license renewals happening between now and May 31, 2025.


Effortlessly Renew Your Oklahoma Real Estate License: 21-Hour CE Package

Oklahoma real estate sales associates: meet all your mandatory and elective continuing education (CE) requirements in one convenient package. This comprehensive 21-hour real estate course bundle includes all four required courses and six popular electives, ensuring your license renewal is hassle-free. Save time and money while staying compliant with Oklahoma real estate regulations.

This package includes:

  • REQUIRED Oklahoma Contracts and Forms Online Course (6 Credit Hours): This course covers everything you will need to know about real estate contracts and Oklahoma-specific contract and closing practices. You will dive into Oklahoma approved forms and disclosures. Plus, get a comprehensive review of the Oklahoma Uniform Contract of Sale of Real Estate Residential Sale Form. This real estate course satisfies the 2024 OREC requirement for a 6-hour Contracts and Forms continuing education course.
  • REQUIRED Oklahoma Professional Conduct Online Course (3 Credit Hours): Enhance your real estate career with this 3-hour online course to help you learn the importance of ethics, professional conduct, and engaging with consumers in a high-tech/low-touch world. The course delves into real estate ethics and reinforces knowledge with case studies, unit exams, and a final exam.
  • REQUIRED Oklahoma Code and Rule Updates Online Course (1 Credit Hour): This course satisfies the Oklahoma real estate license renewal requirement relating to code and rules. In this 1-hour online course, you will learn about the process of investigations by the Oklahoma Real Estate Commission, the legal requirements for real estate advertising in Oklahoma, necessary disclosures required in transactions, and the procedures for setting up and maintaining trust accounts.
  • REQUIRED Oklahoma Brokerage Relationships Act Online Course (1 Credit Hour): This real estate course is a comprehensive review of the Oklahoma Broker Relationships Act. Real estate professionals assist in the sale of properties between parties, and this course outlines how to successfully do so following the Oklahoma Broker Relationships Act. This course satisfies one continuing education hour for the required OREC Broker Relationships Act topic.
  • Twenty Cost-Effective Home Improvements Online Video Course (4 Credit Hours): Presented in an entertaining and informative countdown format, this online video course employs the latest national data to calculate the 20 home upgrades that provide the greatest return on investment. It will help you advise your real estate clients on how to make wise choices that positively impact the resale value of their homes.
  • Fair Housing Online Course (3 Credit Hours): Learn what you need to know to make sure you are following the law. This Oklahoma real estate course applies the law to today’s marketplace, including fair housing issues commonly found in advertising. This course provides a new look at prohibited conduct and offers some practical applications to help keep you in compliance.
  • Law Chronicles: Episode 1 Online Course (3 Credit Hours): Many real estate professionals believe they understand real estate laws and think they’re in compliance, but the truth is that professionals across the U.S. continue to be disciplined for violating some of the most fundamental laws. This online real estate course takes a fresh look at old laws by reviewing the latest violations and provides real-life examples of what not to do.

Sales Associate 21.00
PID# 792651