Ohio 9-Hour Mandatory Core CE Package

Complete 9 hours of core CE requirements in this convenient package!

The state of Ohio requires 30 hours of CE to be completed every three years before the expiration date on your license. Of those 30 hours, 9 hours must consist of mandatory core courses. This package consists of all the mandatory core courses necessary to fulfill the requirement.


Ohio Canons and Codes: Your Professional Guidelines —Learn the ethical guidelines you are expected to follow as part of Ohio’s Canons of Ethics for the Real Estate Industry. A violation of the Canons of Ethics is a violation of the law. Ethical behavior not only reflects on the licensee’s performance, but also the company with which the licensee is associated and the real estate industry as a whole.

Ohio Core Law: Disclosure, Inspection & Environmental Concerns in Real Estate —This course discusses Ohio real estate license law as it applies to disclosure and inspection requirements and environmental and other risks for practicing professionals.

Fair Housing in Ohio—This is your chance to get up to speed on fair housing requirements and ensure you are following the law. This 3-hour online course combines Ohio law and rules with the federal Fair Housing Act. No fair housing course would be complete without reviewing the act and its amendments. You will review actual fair housing cases and discover practical examples that give you the know-how and tools to stay in compliance.


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PID# 551041