Fair Housing (4-Credit Hours) - Qualifying Broker

Fair Housing - Qualifying Broker


Establish smart business practices that comply with fair housing laws.

As a real estate professional, you must contend with ever-increasing regulations. Although the Federal Fair Housing Act has been in force for more than 50 years, the way it is applied to everyday real estate continues to evolve. Learn what you need to know to make sure you are following the law. This course applies the law to today’s marketplace, including fair housing issues commonly found in property management and advertising. From cultural diversity to fair housing enforcement actions, this comprehensive course provides a new look at prohibited conduct and offers some practical applications to help keep you in compliance.

Choose the training method that works best for you! This course is offered a variety of training methods to fit your learning style. 

  • Live Online* - Experience the benefits of interactive instruction in a live classroom setting from anywhere you are able to be online. Kaplan delivers expert instructors and high-quality course material directly to you in real time. 
    If you do not see Live Online as a training method option in the drop down above, we are working to add more course dates as soon as possible.
  • Online - Designed for students who prefer self-paced interactive online content, these courses allow you to follow your path to success in a convenient online format.
  • Home Study - Complete courses when and where it is convenient for you using this textbook-based format. This option is perfect for anyone looking to learn and study offline.  This course includes a physical textbook that ships upon enrollment and an online component to complete unit quizzes.

*IMPORTANT: All students attending a live online class must have their webcams enabled and remain in view of their camera for the entire duration of the class. Kaplan also requires the use of Zoom for live online classes. You must have Zoom downloaded and installed on your computer/laptop, and you must have a Zoom account.

Key Points:

  • Case studies throughout the course demonstrate real-world applications of fair housing laws and regulations
  • Key terms and a glossary highlight essential vocabulary and provide a handy reference to specific terms
  • References to useful Web sites and other resources help you find additional information on specific topics
  • Reinforce what you learn with interactive exercises, quick quizzes, and end-of-unit exams


The course category is elective.

This course counts for Property Management requirements.