Nevada Complete Salesperson CE Package (36-Credit Hours)

Fulfill All of Your Nevada Real Estate Continuing Education Requirements with One Purchase

The Nevada Real Estate Commission requires real estate licensees to complete 36 hours of continuing education during each 2-year period of the 4 year licensing term. This package will fulfill 12 hours of elective education with a mix of online correspondence courses and live online courses.

This package includes:

  • REQUIRED Nevada Agency Online Course (3 Credit Hours) (CE.7344000-RE): This 3-hour Nevada CE online correspondence course meets the Nevada 3-hour agency requirement and covers the creation of agency, types of agency relationships and fiduciary duties owed in Nevada, and consequences of breach of duty and agent liability to ensure you have a solid understanding of agency in Nevada.
  • REQUIRED Nevada Contracts: The Basics Online Course (3 Credit Hours) (CE.7395000-RE): The real estate market is driven by contracts, and real estate licensees encounter a variety of contracts each day. This 3-hour Nevada CE online correspondence course for brokers meets 3 hours of the Nevada 6-hour contracts requirement and covers the basics of contracts and leases in Nevada.
  • REQUIRED Nevada Contracts: Practical Applications Online Course (3 Credit Hours) (CE.7422000-RE): Contracts are a crucial part of the real estate industry. Every day, real estate agents must work with various contracts. This 3-hour Nevada CE online correspondence course for brokers meets 3 hours of the Nevada 6-hour contracts requirement and covers Nevada residential purchase contracts, including a closer and more practice-oriented look at selected provisions from the purchase agreement, as well as preparing and presenting an offer.
  • REQUIRED Nevada Ethics Online Course (3 Credit Hours) (CE.7349000-RE)**: Ethics is fundamental to the integrity of the real estate profession. Because of this, it’s important for Nevada brokers to understand ethics and how it affects your clients, your job, and the industry. This 3-hour Nevada real estate continuing education (CE) correspondence course meets the Nevada 3-hour ethics requirement and covers the ethical obligations of licensees, the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) Code of Ethics, and violations and enforcement of ethical complaints to ensure you have a solid understanding of ethics in Nevada.
  • REQUIRED Nevada Law Online Course (3 Credit Hours) (CE.7346000-RE): To be a successful real estate broker in Nevada, it is important to have a good understanding of the laws that affect the real estate profession. This 3-hour Nevada CE correspondence course meets the Nevada 3-hour law requirement and covers advertising, working with out-of-state brokers, transparency in transactions, transient housing, and fines to ensure you have a solid understanding of real estate laws in Nevada.
  • REQUIRED Nevada Risk Reduction Online Course (3 Credit Hours) (CE.7355000-RE): To be a successful real estate broker in Nevada, it is important for you to have a good understanding of the risks that affect the real estate profession so you can help reduce those risks. This 3-hour Nevada real estate continuing education (CE) correspondence course meets the Nevada 3-hour risk-reduction requirement and covers Fair Housing, insurance, fraud, cybersecurity, office compliance, and disclosures to ensure you have a solid understanding of real estate risks in Nevada.
  • Five Biggest Challenges in Today's Market: Solved Live Online Class (4 Credit Hours) (CE.7221000-RE)*: What’s really happening in the real estate marketplace and how can you overcome the five biggest challenges? In this course, you will be able to compare this market to the mortgage crisis and financial meltdown of the mid-2000s and other significant events that have shaped the real estate industry today. Discover the practices being employed by those on the front edge of change who are not only surviving, but also thriving in this market.
  • Real Estate Evolution: Trends and Transformations Live Online Class (4 Credit Hours) (CE.7383000-RE)*: Join us on a journey through history to understand the societal and environmental changes that agriculture and construction development have undergone and where they lead us to in housing today. This real estate course for Nevada salespersons takes a look at the evolution of agriculture and modern-day agricultural trends, sustainable construction trends including passive and net-zero design, and alternative living spaces such as microliving.
  • Real Estate Jeopardy: Episode 2 Live Online Class (4 Credit Hours) (CE.7378000-RE)*: This real estate course for Nevada agents serves as a review of important real estate concepts and plays out as a question-and-answer game of all things real-estate-related. Topics covered include: types of estates, such as freehold and leasehold; contracts, dispute resolution, and conflicts of interest; and property valuation.
  • The Errors Tour: Real Estate Edition Live Online Class (4 Credit Hours) (CE.7379000-RE)*: This 4-hour class guides you through the consequences of errors on your Nevada real estate business and reputation. You will explore several case studies on miscellaneous errors and enforcement actions. The course also covers topics related to agency relationships, disclosure requirements, fiduciary duties, the practice of real estate, and available types of representation agreements.
  • Tech Impact and the Real Estate Vocation Live Online Class (2 Credit Hours) (CE.7270000-RE)*: This 2-hour Nevada continuing education course addresses relevant technology concerns that you, as a real estate licensee, should consider. These concerns range from privacy to safety. It is vitally important from a vocational, ethical, and legal perspective to put the correct safeguards in place when dealing with any new technology and to act cautiously when implementing it.

*IMPORTANT: All students attending a Live Online class must have their webcams enabled and remain in view of their camera for the entire duration of the class.

**This course was designed to meet the Code of Ethics training requirement for members of the National Association of REALTORS®. You must confirm that your local board or association of REALTORS® will accept this course, and you must provide proof of course completion to the board or association.

REALTORS® and REALTOR® are registered trademarks of the National Association of REALTORS®, which neither sponsors nor endorses this product/site.


Salesperson 36.00
PID# 741252