MREC Agency - Commercial (3-Credit Hours)
Satisfy Your Mandatory Commercial Continuing Education Requirement with This Interactive Online Course
In this course, you will refresh your understanding of the key principles governing commercial agency relationships, review basic disclosures that are historically tied to common law, explore practical examples of fiduciary obligations to clients in sale and lease transactions, and learn how to avoid situations where dual representation of clients might cause problems. This course has been updated with recent legal cases, and it will discuss how these court decisions affect commercial real estate practitioners.
Key Benefits:
- This agency course must be completed by all persons licensed by the MREC as an additional condition of licensure renewal. Currently, the agency course is required every 2 years and as a mandatory or core CE class. This course is for commercial agents only
- Highlights the legal aspects of the common law of agency and contractual relationships between agents and principals
- Outlines new case law and the ramifications for real estate agents
Salesperson 3.00
PID# 652731