Florida Real Estate Sales Associate Post-Licensing Course

Real Estate Sales Associate Post-Licensing Course
This 45-hour real estate post-licensing course meets the state education requirement for a sales associate's first renewal period. This real estate course for Florida sales associates offers expanded discussion on financing, with examples using the Loan Estimate and Closing Disclosure forms. Special learning features include action lists, online resources, case studies, a comprehensive appendix of useful forms, and tips for prospecting all the way through conducting a close.
Choose the training method that works best for you. The real estate sales associate licensing course is offered in a variety of training methods to fit your learning style.
- Live Online: Experience the benefits of interactive instruction in a live classroom setting from anywhere you can be online. We deliver expert instructors and high-quality course material directly to you in real-time. *If you do not see Live Online as a training method option in the drop-down menu above, note that we are working to add more course dates as soon as possible.
- Online: Designed for students who prefer self-paced interactive online content, these real estate courses allow you to follow your path to success in a convenient online format.