Introduction to Real Estate Investments (8-Credit Hours)

Colorado real estate is still one of the best investments available anywhere. Agents who understand the numbers are on their way to earning extra commissions.

Investors are discovering that tax, cash flow, principal reduction, and the appreciation benefits of single- and multi-family properties outweigh other investment opportunities, including the wildly vacillating stock market. This Colorado real estate course can open the door for you to the lucrative investment real estate market. If you are unfamiliar with selling residential real estate as an investment, you’ll get a step-by-step understanding of the fundamentals you’ll need to get started.

You’ll learn how real estate compares to non-real estate investments. You’ll discover how to package hard-to-sell listings to your existing customer base in Colorado. You’ll comprehend how to identify additional sources of financing, and you’ll learn new techniques for using commission dollars to build your own investment portfolio.

Topics covered in this CO real estate course include:

  • Nature of real estate value
  • Estimating net operating income
  • Cash flows and investor behavior
  • Real estate and the IRS
  • 1031 Tax–Deferred Exchanges
  • Acquisitions and operation
  • Dispositions, capital gain, and loss

This course has been approved by the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies, Division of Real Estate, for 8 hours of real estate continuing education.


Key Points:

  • Identify benefits of Colorado real estate investments over other non-real estate investments
  • Understand how to meet the changing needs of buyers and sellers
  • Improve your chances for business success

Broker 8.00
PID# 664079