8-Hour Live Online CE Package: The Errors Tour: Real Estate Edition with ACU
Satisfy 8 Hours of CE with Your Annual Commission Update Plus The Errors Tour Elective
This convenient package includes two essential Live Online courses that will enhance your knowledge and skills in the ever-evolving real estate industry. It includes the mandatory Colorado 2025 Annual Commission Update course, a must-have for all Colorado real estate professionals looking to stay up-to-date with the latest laws, regulations, and best practices in the state. You will also receive a 4-hour elective to stay up to speed on your 12-hour elective requirement per every 3-year license period.
- REQUIRED Colorado 2025 Annual Commission Update Live Online Course (4-Credit Hours): This course is developed by the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies Division of Real Estate and offers relevant information on regulatory changes and issues. Brokers are recommended to take the Annual Commission Update (ACU) course between January and June. This is not a contracts course; however, brokers should consider taking a contracts course every year.
- The Errors Tour: Real Estate Edition Live Online Class (4 Credit Hours): This 4-hour class guides you through the consequences of errors on your Colorado real estate business and reputation. You will explore several case studies on miscellaneous errors and enforcement actions. The course also covers topics related to agency relationships, disclosure requirements, fiduciary duties, the practice of real estate, and available types of representation agreements.
IMPORTANT: To receive CE credit for attending a Live Online class, the Colorado Real Estate Commission requires students to have their webcam on and be in view during the duration of the session. Credit will be denied for students not following this rule.