Colorado Broker Reactivation Live Online Class (24-Credit Hours)

Behind on CE? Have an Inactive or Expired License?

The Colorado Real Estate Commission allows you to complete your CE requirements and renew/reactivate your license through successful completion of the Broker Reactivation course. Complete all your continuing education requirements for a 3-year renewal with this course. The course content will cover the annual commission update for the current year, Colorado contracts and regulations, statutory relationships, brokerage relationships and agreements, and issues in real estate contracting.

Brokers may complete this course under one of the following conditions:

  • Active: Broker license is currently active and the Broker Reactivation course was not used to satisfy the continuing education requirement in the previous licensing cycle.
  • Inactive or Expired: Broker license is inactive or expired for 36 months prior to reactivating or reinstating an expired license to active status. The broker was also unable to comply with the CE requirement for a licensing cycle.

With this package, students receive both required courses to reactivate their license: the Annual Commission Update course and the Broker Reactivation course.

This Live Online class will allow you to conveniently gain access to the same great Kaplan Real Estate Education content and instructors. Engage with other students and your instructor anywhere you have internet access!

IMPORTANT: To receive CE credit for attending a Live Online class, the Colorado Real Estate Commission requires students to have their webcam on and be in view during the duration of the session. Credit will be denied for students not following this rule.

Key Points:

  • Reactivate or reinstate a license that is inactive/expired and didn’t comply with the annual CE requirement.
  • Satisfy the continuing education requirement for a licensing cycle.
  • This course may not be repeated in consecutive license cycles.

Broker 24.00
PID# 792724