Arizona Real Estate Ethics (3-Credit Hours)- Salespersons

Learn the History and Application of National and Arizona Fair Housing Laws with This 3-Hour Real Estate Continuing Education Course

This Arizona real estate course covers the history of the Code of Ethics, so real estate salespersons can serve their customers to the fullest extent of the Code. From the Code of Ethic’s preamble to the 17 articles, this course for Arizona real estate salespersons covers a gamut of ethical guidelines and standards affecting sales, financing, and advertising. The real estate course includes true/false progress questions, interactive activities, comprehensive unit exams, and a summative final exam for Arizona continuing education (CE) credit.

AZ real estate course topics:

  • History and Purpose of the Code of Ethics
  • Short Summaries of the 17 Articles
  • Standards of Practice
  • Selected Standards of Practice from Section 1: Duties to Clients
  • Selected Standards of Practice from Section 2: Duties to the Public
  • Selected Standards of Practice from Section 3: Duties to Other REALTORS®
  • Case Studies #1–11

Key Points:

  • Satisfies 3 hours of Arizona real estate CE credit
  • True/false questions follow each topic to help reinforce learning

This course was designed to meet the Code of Ethics training requirement for members of the National Association of REALTORS®. Students must confirm that their local board or association of REALTORS® will accept this course and must provide proof of course completion to the board or association.


Salesperson 3.00
Commissioners Standards
PID# 667560