Arizona Commissioner’s Standards (3-Credit Hours)
Correctly negotiating a real estate transaction is important, but that only makes you partially compliant with the law. The real estate commission also has myriad requirements for record retention and trust funds, which are examined in this 3-hour continuing education course. Arizona Commissioner’s Standards explores these requirements in helpful detail, with charts, examples, and scenario exercises to drive these important concepts home. From chronological logs and vicarious liability to generally accepted accounting principles and appealable agency action, this course covers the small details that are essential for even the most experienced agent.
- Records Storage Requirements
- Sales Records Retention Time Frames
- Electronic Records
- Sales Trust Accounts
- Commingling
- Property Management Trust Funds
- Reconciliation
- Trust Fund Audits
- The Trust Fund Register
- Department Investigations
This course has been approved for 3 hours of Commissioner's Standards.
Key Points:
- Progress questions follow each topic to reinforce learning
- Scenario exercises show how you can stay in compliance
- An extensive scenario exercise leads you through a sample ledger
Salesperson 3.00
Commissioners Standards
PID# 530135