Alabama 9-Hour Broker CE Electives Package

Complete your Alabama elective continuing education requirements training with one purchase!

Real estate continuing education courses include:

  • Real Estate Contracts: Essentials and Beyond (3 Credit Hours — Online Video): This AL continuing education real estate course covers the essential elements of a contract and lease. Explore the fundamentals of preparing a sales contract, including financing and contingencies, as well as amendments, addenda, and defaults. This course also concludes with common contract mistakes and examples of what to look for to avoid common pitfalls.
  • Principle-Centered Real Estate (3 Credit Hours — Online Video): This online video real estate course will teach you how to cultivate success in real estate transactions by upholding ethical principles. It will help you better connect with, communicate to, and create loyal, long-term clients. The presenter, a national speaker and author, brings a one-of-a-kind, passionate delivery of this course through engaging stories and the practical application of course topics.
  • Law Chronicles: Episode 1 (3 Credit Hours — Online Video): Many real estate professionals believe they understand real estate laws and think they’re in compliance, but the truth is that professionals across the United States continue to be disciplined for violating some of the most fundamental laws. This online real estate course takes a fresh look at old laws by reviewing the latest violations and provides real-life examples of what not to do.

Broker 9.00
PID# 662630