Real Estate Licensing and Continuing Education State Requirements in Virginia

At Kaplan Real Estate Education, we strive to provide both aspiring and established real estate professionals alike with accurate, up-to-date information. Our Virginia state requirements, established by the Virginia Real Estate Board, have been compiled into this easy-to-read resource by our in-house regulatory team. If you’re new to the real estate industry, you can also utilize this article to kickstart your journey toward becoming a licensed real estate professional in Virginia.

Virginia Real Estate Board

Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation
9960 Maryland Drive #400
Richmond, VA 23233
Real Estate Board Phone: 804.367.8526
Licensing Section Email:
Real Estate (Continuing Education) Phone: 804.367.2406
Education Section Email:

Salesperson Prelicensing Education Requirements in Virginia

  • Be at least 18 years old
  • Provide proof of a high school diploma or equivalent certification
  • Complete 60 hours of a Board-approved Principles of Real Estate prelicense course
  • Pass State and National portions of the Exam 
  • Pass a background check and submit fingerprints
  • Complete the application, and pay the applicable fee

VA Real Estate Broker Prelicensing Education Requirements

  • Be 18 years old
  • Provide proof of high school diploma or equivalent
  • Have been actively engaged as a real estate salesperson for a period of 36 of the 48 months immediately preceding the application
  • Experience must be verified by a Principal or Supervising Broker for whom the licensee worked at the time of obtaining that experience
  • Complete 180 hours of Board-approved Pre License Courses
  • Complete the Real Estate Brokerage Course
  • Complete either:

a. Three broker-specific courses of Real Estate Appraisal, Real Estate Finance, and Real Estate law; or
b. Two of the broker-specific courses and one of the following broker-related courses:

i. Real Estate Abstracting
ii. Real Estate Contract Law
iii. Real Estate Economics
iv. Real Estate Feasibility Analysis
v. Real Estate Investments
vi. Real Estate Math
vii. Real Estate Property Management
viii. Real Estate Property Law
ix. CCIM (all parts)
x. GRI (all parts)
xi. SIR/SIOR (all parts)
xii. Business Law
xiii. Commercial Mortgage Lending
xiv. Land Planning and Use
xv. Urban Development

  • Pass the state and national exam

Salesperson First Renewal VA Real Estate Education Requirements

  • Effective January 1, 2019, all active, new salesperson licensees are required to complete a board-approved, 30-hour post-license education (PLE) course within one year from the last day of the month in which the license was issued to remain on active status
  • Effective January 1, 2019, the 30-hour PLE program will consist of NINE courses:

a. 2 hours—Fair Housing, ADA, and Civil Rights
b. 6 hours—Real Estate Law and Regulations
c. 3 hours—Ethics and Standards of Conduct
d. 2 hours—Current Industry Issues and Trends
e. 3 hours—Agency Law
f. 6 hours—Contract Writing
g. 3 hours—Risk Management
h. 3 hours—Escrow Requirements
i. 2 hours—Real Estate-related Finance

Salesperson Subsequent Renewal VA Real Estate Education Requirements

  • Licenses expiring in 2024 and 2025:

a. Renewals are every two years
b. Must complete 16 hours of education to include:
c. 3 hours—Ethics and Standards of Conduct
d. 2 hours—Fair Housing
e. 1 hour—Legal Updates and Emerging Trends
f. 1 hour—Real Estate Agency
g. 1 hour—Real Estate Contracts
h. The remaining eight hours may be in real estate-related subjects (electives)

  • B. Licenses expiring in 2026 and beyond:

a. Renewals are every two years
b. Must complete 16 hours of education to include:
c. 3 hours—Ethics and Standards of Conduct
d. 2 hours—Fair Housing
e. 2 hours—Legal Updates and Emerging Trends including flood hazard areas and the National Flood Insurance Program
f.  2 hours—Real Estate Agency
g. 2 hours—Real Estate Contracts
h. The remaining five hours may be in real estate-related subjects (electives)

Virginia Real Estate Broker Continuing Education Requirements

  • Licenses expiring in 2024 and 2025:

a. Licensee renewals will be every two years
b. Brokers must complete 24 hours of education to include:
6 hours—Broker Management
d. 2 hours—Broker Supervisione. 3 hours—Ethics and Standards of Conduct
f. 2 hours—Fair Housing
g. 1 hour—Legal  Updates and Emerging Trends
h. 1 hour—Real Estate Agencyi. 1 hour—Real Estate Contracts
j. The remaining eight hours may be in real estate-related subjects (electives)

  • Licenses expiring in 2026 and beyond:

a. Licensee renewals will be every two years
b. Brokers must complete 24 hours of education to include:
c. 6 hours—Broker Management
d. 2 hours—Broker Supervision
e. 3 hours—Ethics and Standards of Conduct
f. 2 hours—Fair Housing
g. 2 hours—Legal Updates and Emerging Trends including flood hazard areas and the National Flood Insurance Program
h. 2 hours—Real Estate Agency
i. 2 hours—Real Estate Contracts
j. The remaining five hours may be in real estate-related subjects (electives)


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