North Carolina Broker Post-Licensing Courses

Complete Your NC Post-Licensing Education Requirement with Kaplan

If you’re a newly licensed North Carolina real estate agent, you need to complete NC real estate post-licensing education to remove the provisional status of your license. You need to complete a series of three 30-hour courses within your first 18 months of licensure.

NOTICE: You must already be licensed before you may enroll in post-licensing courses. The North Carolina Real Estate Commission will not grant post-licensing credit to students who started post-licensing courses before they received their real estate license.

All students taking an asynchronous online video course will have 180 days to complete their course from the date of purchase. Per North Carolina Real Estate Commission Rule 58H .0207(b), you must complete your course, including passing the proctored end-of-course exam, within 180 days of enrollment. Course access extensions cannot be granted.

All students taking a synchronous live online class must complete their course and then pass the proctored end-of-course exam within 23 days of the last day of their class. Per North Carolina Real Estate Commission rules, course access extensions cannot be granted. 

The proctored end-of-course exams should be taken as you finish each 30-hour course. Please do not wait until you have completed all 90 hours to test.

Please note that proctoring sessions fill up in advance. Please plan accordingly and allow for enough time to schedule a session and pass your exam(s) before your deadline. We recommend scheduling your proctoring session at least 2 weeks in advance of the desired session date.

North Carolina Real Estate State Requirements

Need to verify requirements? Visit our state requirements page. 

State Requirements

Not Sure What You Need to Get Fully Licensed? 

Check out our steps to licensing page to learn more.

View Steps to Licensing

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Credit Hours: 90
Career Accelerator Postlicensing Online Package (Includes 90 Hours of Postlicensing)
Credit Hours: 90
Complete 90-Hour Postlicensing Online Package (90-Credit Hours)
Credit Hours: 30
North Carolina Postlicensing: Broker Relationships and Responsibilities Online Course (30-Credit Hours)
Credit Hours: 30
North Carolina Postlicensing: Contracts and Closing Online Course (30-Credit Hours)
Credit Hours: 30
North Carolina Postlicensing: Laws, Rules, and Legal Concepts Online Course (30-Credit Hours)

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