Georgia State Requirements

Georgia Real Estate Commission

International Tower
229 Peachtree St. Suite 1000
Atlanta, GA 30303
Phone: 404.656.3916
Fax: 404.656.6650

Salesperson Pre licensing Education Requirements

  • Be 18 years old
  • Provide proof that the applicant is a high school graduate or holder of a certificate of equivalency
  • Successfully complete the required 75-hour salesperson prelicense course
  • Pass the background check through the Georgia Crime Information Center, and provide a copy of criminal history when taking the exam through the testing center
  • Successfully pass the state and national exam
  • Must apply for licensure within 12 months of taking the exam or will have to retake the exam

Broker Prelicensing Education Requirements

  • Be 21 years old
  • Provide proof that the applicant is a high school graduate or holder of a certificate of equivalency
  • Must have been actively licensed in Georgia as a salesperson or associate broker for a minimum of three of the previous five years before applying
  • Successfully complete the required 60-hour Broker’s Prelicense course
  • Pass the background check through the Georgia Crime Information Center, and provide a copy of criminal history when taking the exam through the testing center
  • Successfully pass the state and national exam
  • Must apply for licensure within 12 months of taking the exam or will have to retake the exam

Salesperson Post-Licensing Education Requirements

  • Licensees will have to complete an additional 25 hours of education during renewal period as well.
    • Currently, licensees are required to take "Georgia Sales and Marketing 101 for Real Estate Professionals" to meet this requirement.
  • Salespersons must have completed this course:
    • No earlier than one year after the date of issuance of an original salesperson’s license; or
    • 18 months after the date of issuance if a salesperson qualified for the six-month extension

Salesperson and Broker Continuing Education Requirements

  • Renewal periods are every four years
  • Education can be completed at any time during the renewal period
  • Must complete 36 hours of education, to include 3 hours on the topic of License Law
  • If the license number is less than 100,000, then you are not required to complete education for renewal
  • Renewals can be done online through the Online Services

Real Estate Exam Provider Information in Georgia

  • For scheduling or any exam questions, please direct students to the testing provider:
  • Please review the Candidate Information Handbook to ensure the applicant is fully prepared for exam day