Arizona State Requirements

Arizona Real Estate Commission

100 North 15th Avenue, Suite 201
Phoenix, AZ 85007
Phone: 602.771.7700
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Real Estate Salesperson License Requirements

  • Be at least 18 years old
  • Submit a Fingerprint Clearance Card issued by the Arizona Department of Public Safety. Obtaining a Fingerprint Clearance Card may take 8–10 weeks.
  • Complete a background check and the Disciplinary Actions Disclosure Form. Applicant must provide all information listed on the forms and in the 
    • Candidate Handbook
      • The Department may not issue a license to a person convicted of a felony or convicted of a misdemeanor offense such as, but not limited to, theft, forgery, extortion, conspiracy to defraud, violence against another person, or crimes of moral turpitude.
  • Complete 90 hours of education
  • Before completing the license application, attend a six-hour Contract Writing Class—the applicant must provide a certificate of completion.
  • Pass the state and national exam
  • Apply for licensure within one year of passing the exam
  • See all additional requirements here:
  • Pay the applicable fee found here:

The Department (ADRE) is directing individual licensees due to expire at the end of the month to search the ADRE Public Database for available online Continuing Education (CE) Courses. The Department is not waiving continuing education hours for license renewals nor extending expiration dates. Nearly 99 percent of license renewals are submitted online.

Real Estate Broker License Requirements

  • Be at least 18 years old.
  • Have been a licensed salesperson for three years within the last five preceding applications for Broker’s license
  • Submit a Fingerprint Clearance Card. This process may take 8–10 weeks
  • Complete a background check, and submit the Disciplinary Actions Disclosure form
  • Complete 90 hours of Real Estate Broker Prelicensing Education, and complete a nine hour Broker Management Clinic - the applicant must provide a certificate of completion.
  • Submit the Broker Candidate Experience Verification form found here:  
    • The employing broker must sign and initial where indicated, verifying experience in practicing real estate, returning the form to the applicant for presentation to Pearson Vue at the time of testing
    • Experience in a state other than Arizona requires a certified license history from the state in which the salesperson’s or broker’s license was held during the past five years
    • The “valid through” date of the form will be based on three years of experience within the past five years immediately preceding the license application
    • See all details here:
  • Pass the state and national portion of the broker’s exam
  • Pay applicable fee

Real Estate Salesperson Continuing Education Requirements

  • Renewal periods are every two years.
  • The licensee must have all certificates of the required courses and categories
  • Must complete 24 credit hours within that time frame and upload the credits to the Arizona Real Estate Commission’s website here:
    • To report education, select the option to record continuing education credits. Enter the ADRE course numbers and dates of the CE classes taken during the CE period
  • Of the 24 credit hours required for renewal, the following hours must be obtained:
    • Agency Law—three hours
    • Contract Law—three hours
    • Commissioner's Standards—three hours
    • Disclosure—three hours
    • Fair Housing—three hours
      • If claiming a Fair Housing course substitute, attach a statement of substitution and a certificate for the substitute class. An additional class in the Real Estate Legal Issues category that has been approved for a minimum of three credit hours can be taken in place of the mandatory Fair Housing category but must be preapproved by the Department.
  • Real Estate Legal Issues—three hours
  • As of 7/12/24 to qualify to renew a real estate license on or after 1/1/25, the individual must complete 1 hour of Continuing Education on each of the following current issues in the real estate community. 
  • Firewise
  • Deed Fraud
  • Arizona Water
    The courses meeting this requirement are listed under the General Real Estate Category and the requirements is not adding to the hours required.  Instead, the requirement is specifying that of the current 24 or 30 hours required, 1 hr must be on Firewise, 1 hr must be on Deed Fraud and 1 hr must be on Arizona Water.
  • Plus additional elective categories—six hours
    • Such as other courses in any of the above mandatory categories that are not identical to courses that will be used to fulfill the Mandatory Categories or courses in the General Real Estate category or any combination.

Real Estate Broker Continuing Education Requirements

  • Renewal periods are every two years. 
  • Licensees must have all certificates of the required courses and categories
  • Must complete 30 hours within the renewal time frame and upload the information to the website here:
  • To report education, select the option to record continuing education credits. Enter the ADRE course numbers and dates of the CE classes taken during the CE period
  • Of the 30 hours required for renewal, the following topics must be obtained:
    • Agency Law—three hours
    • Contract Law—three hours
    • Broker Management Clinic 1—three hours
      • Broker Management Clinic courses are required for active status designated brokers, which includes self-employed brokers or delegated associate brokers with written authorization to act on behalf of the designated broker by reviewing and initializing contracts and similar instruments pursuant to A.R.S. 32-2151.01(g)
    • Broker Management Clinic 2—3 hours
      • See the above statement regarding clinic courses
    • Broker Management Clinic 3—3 hours
      • See the above statement regarding clinic courses
    • Disclosure—three hours
    • Fair Housing—three hours
      •  If claiming a Fair Housing course substitute, attach a statement of substitution and certificate for the substitute class. An additional class in the Real Estate Legal Issues category that has been approved for a minimum of three credit hours can be taken in place of the mandatory Fair Housing category but must be preapproved by the Department.
    • Real Estate Legal Issues—three hours
    • Plus additional elective categories—six hours
    • Such as other courses in any of the above Mandatory Courses that are not identical to courses that will be used to fulfill the Mandatory Categories or courses in the General Real Estate category or any combination

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